Troop 103 Scouts and adults setup 47 American flags along the park’s entrance on Thursday prior to Memorial Day. On Memorial Day Scouts were placed into the color guard for the ceremony, Scouts and adults setup canopies and chairs for…
The “In Honor Of” 5K Run
In honor of our fallen service members, Troop 103 Scouts and adults assisted with the course marshaling, water station, and traffic control of the Colonial Runners “In Honor Of” 5K run the day before Memorial Day 2024. A great event…
WUMC Flood Bucket Service Project
Troop 103 Scouts and adults helped members of WUMC put together 100 flood buckets to help needy families around the world trapped in or recovering from catastrophic flood events. A great project to be a part of and help our…
2024 Virginia Native Plant Sale in Williamsburg
Troop 103 performs a great service for the Virginia Native Plant sale each year. Scouts and adults of Trop 103 help setup the sale sight, help with sales, sequester plants for customers and help transport plants to the customers’ cars…
Andy’s Earth Day 2024 – A Troop 103 Legacy Service Project
The site in James City County known as The Church On The Main is a lost to time early Anglican Church site rediscovered by local archeologist Alain Outlaw and his associated colleagues more than 25 years ago. The annual service…
Berkeley Plantation Thanksgiving Celebration Service Project 2023
Scouts and adults once again participated in the setup of the Berkeley Plantation annual Thanksgiving celebration. This site holds the distinction of being the site of the first official Thanksgiving in the New World once Colonists started arriving from Europe…
2023 Memorial Day Ceremony at Williamsburg Memorial Park
Troop 103 provided the annual support to the VFW and other local civic organizations for the setting up for the Memorial Day activities at the Williamsburg Memorial Park 2023. Support included the installation and raising of 50 American flags lining…