Troop 103’s guiding philosophy is very simple:
To advance the aims and methods of the Scouting program according to the Boy Scouts of America.
The Boy Scouts Mission Statement is as follows:
The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth. Specifically, the BSA endeavors to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit; have a high degree of self-reliance as evidenced in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness; have personal values based on religious concepts; have the desire and skills to help others; understand the principles of the American social, economic, and governmental systems; are knowledgeable about and take pride in their American heritage and understand our nations role in the world; have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people; and are prepared to participate in and give leadership to the American society.
The aims of the Scouting program are to build character, foster citizenship, and develop fitness. The ideals of Scouting are found in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan. All Scouts are expected to live by these ideals.
Troop 103 supports the following methods in achieving the mission as stated above.
- The patrol method develops leadership and teamwork abilities in a small group setting before it is applied on a larger Troop setting.
- The outdoors is the key setting where the aims and methods are achieved. Weekend camping establishes self-reliance as the Scouts learn to work together and survive on their own.
- Advancement creates a challenge to all Scouts by providing them with a series of obstacles to overcome. Furthermore, it provides a rewarded sense of accomplishment for the Scouts hard work and determination.
- Personal growth is developed as Scouts provide service, advance, and develop a plan for the Scouting years.
All these activities provide an opportunity for the Scouts to grow as individuals and members of their community and religious organizations.